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Looking for an accountant?

Contact us! We would be happy to meet you and discuss your needs.


Whatever your business, we can support you in your professional and personal projects.

Beyond our traditional core competencies of development and certification of accounts, we offer:

Accounting: Calculation of costs and margins, cost accounting, consolidation...

Tax: personal and business tax returns, tax rebates, tax optimization...

Social: Payroll and social statements, labor contracts, establishing profit, optimizing comensation and retirement...

Management: budgets, dashboards, business plans, projected profit and loss, cash management, export assistance...

Investment and funding: assistance in selecting investments, preparation of funding application, file presentation to financial institutions...



Do you wish to operate in France?

Or, do you already have a French subsidiary?


The INELYS experts can assist you in accounting, tax, legal and social matters and offer tools to drive your business in France.

Implementation of a French or international accounting system

Standardized Bookkeeping

Financial reports

Review of Accounts

VAT Territoriality

Assistance in the preparation of periodic tax returns

Preparation of fiscal bundle

Payroll in conjunction with your parent

Management of expatriate staff

Assistance during URSSAF controls...

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